Friday, July 3, 2009

Been a little busy....

I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but I have been going through a lot. Last September my grandfather died while I was taking care of him, from Stage 4 Lung Cancer. After Thanksgiving I found out my poor little PT had Hyperthyroidism, in December found out he also had Carcinoma, and in January I had to put my poor little baby boy down since he could no longer walk and I didn't want him to suffer any longer. I obviously was a depressed wreck for awhile just from my grandfather passing, but PT dying pushed me even farther into a deep depression with crazy anxiety. I started going to therapy and a grieving group at my church. January 31st, a week and two days after Pt's death he sent me a sweet little angel to help me cope. My little girl Athena is at least part Bengal, and has a little of Pt's personality along with some of Coco, Lily, Yuengling, Chester, and Obie mixed in with her own unique personality. We named her right, for she is very bright. I spent February trying to pull myself back together, March in the hospital, April starting to plan a wedding, and started going to school for Medical Assistant with Phlebotomy. It is now 29 days until my wedding and I am starting to panic, but then I look at Athena and she calms me down, just like PT could. I would like to add that I am knitting again, but only a little.


My grandfather and me a week before he passed away.
PT and Paul.

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