Monday, May 26, 2008

A rant about....

Listening. Usually a big argument between parents and children and in all short-term or long-term relationship. A big problem in many ways, if one person doesn't listen everything can get screwed up.

Let's take knitting first. If you don't listen to the pattern or directions, or whomever might be teaching or just helping you out with the current project it won't turn out right. Listening when reading a pattern to yourself is different than normal listen, in that you have to follow what is written. In the same aspect, if the pattern writer wrote a lousy pattern and didn't amend it in any way, listening to the pattern in it's current lousy form, won't work either.

What I really want to rant about is listening in hospitals. Doctors, nurses, aids, and patients all need to talk and LISTEN to each other. More often then not you tell the doctor that medicine won't help, but he won't listen, so you tell the next doctor, he says ok and he will fix it. A few hours later no change and you ask the nurse for the meds or whatever you were waiting for and it's exactly what you told the doctor you knew wouldn't help. So you tell the nurse, and still no change. Or you tell a nurse you are lighted head and NPO, but want nutrients in your IV, and the nurse then proceeds to yell at you, saying you are NPO and can't eat even though you already knew that and were asking for nutrients through you IV. You finally get through to the thickheaded nurse 5 minutes later and get what you had been asking for the whole time. Does anyone ever listen to you, when you are in the hospital.

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